We are really pleased to have received the report from the inspection which took place on the 5th and 6th March 2024.
The inspectors were very thorough, watching lessons, checking paperwork, speaking to lots of children and staff as well as parents and Governors. It was a packed couple of days!
The outcome is a report that we think really gives a flavour of Dawley Brook right from the first line,
"Children settle quickly into this happy, inclusive school from the very beginning of their time in Nursery and Reception classes."
There are so many other great aspects of what we demonstrated to the Inspection Team that it's difficult to pick the stand out features but we are immensely proud that the children shine in the words written.
"Pupils here are enjoying, learning and remembering what they are taught."
"Across school, pupils love reading..." "By the time they leave this school, they are well-read, independent readers who are ready to take on a world of literature."
"Pupils are listened to and feel heard and valued."
Why not read the whole report by clicking here
