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As a part of your child’s education at Dawley Brook Primary School, we promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education programme. PSHE education is the curriculum subject that gives children the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live safe, healthy, productive lives and meet their full potential.


The Department for Education has announced statutory changes to Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) & Relationships and Sex education (RSE), which are part of our school’s program of study. These changes initially came into effect from September 2020 but have regularly been reviewed by The Department for Education. As a result, all schools are required to comply with the updated requirements and consult parents on how this will affect their children’s learning.


Inline with Dawley Brook Primary School’s regular review of the quality of teaching and learning, we intend to adopt the PSHE Association’s model curriculum and adapt it for the purposes of our school community as we move into the academic year 2022-23. The Department for Education provided grant funding to the PSHE Association to advise schools in developing their own PSHE curriculums and improve the quality of teaching so we believe we are taking the right step in aligning our practice with this appropriate and endorsed body.


This means that, with your support, we will be reviewing our PSHE curriculum, RSE curriculum and related policies so we can be sure our provision is appropriate for our pupils based on their:

  • Age

  • Physical and emotional maturity

  • Religious and cultural backgrounds

  • Special educational needs and disabilities


As a school community, we are committed to working in partnership with parents and all stakeholders within it and as such we need your feedback to help us do this.


Dawley Brook Primary School will be starting their annual consultation process on Monday 11th July 2022; the consultation will close on Wednesday 20th July 2022.


We would like to invite you:

  1. To take the opportunity to view our draft policies and draft curriculum development documentation

  2. Complete a questionnaire in order for your feedback to be captured


Part 1

Parents, staff and governors, will be asked to read through the following three documents and make comments on them. Simply select each link to open the document:



Part 2

In order to provide your feedback to this consultation, we would appreciate your completion of the following questionnaire:



Further Information

If you wish to carry out further reading around PSHE & RSE, the following documents may be of use to you:


Following the completion of this initial stage of consultation, our next steps will be to speak again with staff and students, which will take place when we return in September and complete our consultation by reporting our findings to all stakeholders and launching our PSHE & RSE Curriculum.


Finally, If there are any parents/carers or extended family members who either have links to or are professionals themselves within any of our topics, we would love to hear from you!


A strength of our school curriculum is our ability to draw on the expertise within our community and for the students to hear from sources first hand. We will obviously be adhering to Government guidance surrounding visitors and speakers within school.




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