We have received some wonderful news about our Arts Curriculum! After a long process over a number of months, we are pleased to announce that Dawley Brook has been awarded Silver Artsmark status.
Miss Howes has done a fantastic job of leading the process and gathering evidence to show the development of our whole Arts Curriculum, covering Art & Design, Design & Technology and Music.
The assessors provided school with feedback which I am sharing here:
'You have developed your arts provision in a strategic and well-researched way, being informed by connections to ongoing research at Nottingham University, and by deploying NSEAD resources to good effect. Your focus on skills and progression has helped take your Art & Design practice further and made you more precise in your intentions and expectations, and this seems to have led to more tangible outcomes and better teacher development. For example, sketchbook trawls at various points showed clearly consistent, dramatic improvements in the quality of artwork, subject language, skills and knowledge pupils had developed.
Pupils' competency with the use of focus could be seen in Year 5 sketchbooks in their photography unit, as pictures became less blurred. Your work in Art & Design has been a proof of concept in a way, and consequently you have begun to introduce the Kapow scheme as a means of enhancing music, and are considering development of the Arts more broadly as you continue to develop.
What has been strong about this initial cycle has been you thoughtful deployment of resources, your depth of engagement with ideas and concepts, and your willingness to give responsibility to learners as a means of achieving deeper engagement and inclusivity.
Areas you may wish to develop, or have indicated you already will develop, include broadening the range of arts activities, exploring teaching through as well as teaching in the arts, and considering what about good arts education leads to different teaching and learning practices. What are the features of that practice for teachers and learners? And how can noticing and valuing them help them to happen more of the time?'
What a great achievement for the children and staff as a result of their hard work!